If you're not using ChronoTrack Live for scoring, but you want to use Athlinks to host results for your event, you will need to use the manual results upload process described in this guide.
Please note that if you're scoring your race in CT Live, you can push results to Athlinks with the click of a button if the events are Linked.
Prepare the File
In order to upload results to Athlinks, you need to make sure that your file contains only the necessary information to speed up the process of the upload. For the most complete results, make sure the file contains First Name, Last Name, Age, Gender, Rank, Class/Bracket, Bib, Sponsor (optional), and Finish Time. You can upload HTML, CSV, TSV, or Fixed Width Columns.
For Multi-Leg courses with splits, include the split times in the file in the order in which they occurred within the course. We'll discuss how to map the split times later in the document.
- Navigate to, log in, and access your Event.
- Click the Upload button below "Results" for the Course to which you would like to upload results
- On the next screen, click Choose File and select the file on your hard drive.
- Select the correct File Format for the data file, then click Upload & Define Columns. Allow up to 30 seconds for Athlinks to process the file for mapping
- Once the mapping page loads, select the correct values for each column. If you need a reminder about which column is which, click the Show Header button. There will be a number of required fields that you must map to a value to proceed. As noted before, for the most complete results, make sure the file contains First Name, Last Name, Age, Gender, Rank, Class/Bracket, Bib, Sponsor, and Finish Time.
If there are missing columns or all of the columns have been combined into just one column, it's likely that you selected the wrong delimiter on the previous page. Just click the back button in your browser, then re-select the file and the correct delimiter. - If you're uploading results for a multi-sport race that has multiple legs, set each of the columns with the split times as Time, then select Final Time for their overall result.
Remember that the columns in your file that show split times must be in the order they happen on your course . - When you're finished mapping the columns, click the Preview Results button. You'll see a 'Please Wait' message for 10-20 seconds while the results process.
- On the next window, inspect the results and verify that nothing is out of place. When you are satisfied, click the Save Results button near the top right corner of the results display.
- Click Save Results again in the confirmation dialogue.
- Another message will display asking if you would like to import more results to the Course. If you'd like to import additional results files, click Add More or click No if you're done importing results into the race.
- Once you click No, you will be redirected back to the Event Page. Notice that now the blue bar to the left of the upload button shows the total number of finishers in the Course.
From here, you can click the Course Name to view the results and publish the link.