Learn This First:
Linking a CT Live Event to Athlinks
Publishing Event Landing Pages
Customizing Finisher Certificates
Athlinks results are an excellent way to show your results on Athlinks' fast-growing online social platform. They are also a much more modern alternative to our legacy ChronoTrack Widget.
In order to take advantage of the Athlinks version of live results, your CT Live event must be linked to an Athlinks event. Linking a CT Live event to an Athlinks event is now part of the CT Live event creation process, so no special configuration should be needed to link new events. If your event is linked to Athlinks already, you'll see a magenta flame next to one or more of your Races.
If you don't see the flame, check out our guide to copying a CT Live event to Athlinks HERE.
In addition to linking to an Athlinks event, you should also publish your Event Landing Page, even if you don't intend to use the Landing Page. Publishing the Event Landing Page will enable Athlinks Live results to show pictures and videos you've uploaded to CT Live. Publishing the Landing Page can be as simple as clicking the "Publish..." button. If you'd like to have Athlinks Live Results show a custom image, this image should be uploaded to the Event Landing Page tab as well.
Distributing the Athlinks Live Results Link
A link to the Athlinks Live Results can be found with the ChronoTrack Widget and Onsite results links on your ChronoTrack Live Event Dashboard.
Overview of Live Results
The Athlinks Live Results page is a clean, responsive results view that affords athletes the same information as CT Live results including Finish and split times, pace info, bracket rankings, photos, and videos - LIVE.
As times are calculated in the CT Live event, results will begin appearing as your athletes start completing Intervals. Users can watch as people transition from one Split to the Next until they finish.
The athletes will see the image from your Event Landing Page as the header for the results list, and for the individual results page.
The results listing can be searched by name or bib and sorted by date, race type, and bracket. The results list view shows name, gender, age, state, country, Final time, Pace, Division rank, Gender rank, and Overall rank.
Clicking on any athlete's name will open their Individual Results Page. If an Athlete has claimed the result, their profile picture will appear with the result and other users can Follow them in Athlinks.
Scrolling down the page, athletes can see the Race Splits section that details the time, pace, and placing information for each Interval of the Course.
If you've enabled Finisher Certificates and Media, these sections appear below the Race Splits.