This process should no longer necessary for ChronoTrack Live events created after August 2016 since Athlinks events are automatically created and linked as part of the CT Live event creation process. If your event isn't already linked to Athlinks, this process will help you.
Before you can push Results to Athlinks from ChronoTrack Live, you must first create an event within Athlinks. You can either build the event out with the tools in Athlinks and then Link the event with CT Live, or you can use the built-in linking button in your CT Live event to copy the details of the event to Athlinks from ChronoTrack Live. This guide will show you how to do the latter.
Before you can copy an Event to Athlinks, you must have access to a Company within Athlinks. If you have not used Athlinks as a Race Director/Timer before, please contact (US) or (EU) with the name of your company and what region/area/state you time in to get an account set up.
To ensure that the various Races in your CT Live event copy correctly, double-check that a Race Sub-Type is selected for each Race.
Copying the Event
- Click the Link to Athlinks button at the bottom of the Event tab in your CT Live event.
- A new tab will open at, and you may be required to log in.
- Once you're logged in, you'll see a page similar to the one below with your event ID already populated in the Search field.
- Check the list of events (if any) in the sections highlighted by the arrow in the image above to see if your event has already been added to Athlinks. If you don't see a match, click the page icon highlighted by the red square above.
- On the next page, confirm that the copied details are accurate, and supply any necessary additional information.
- Make sure to select the correct Company if you have access to more than one in Athlinks.
- Once you click Save Event, you will be redirected to the standard Event Dashboard. You should see all courses (Races) from your CT Live event. If there are any missing, click the Edit button to add them. Also, make sure to click on the Master Event CREATE LINK button to either create a new Master Event if this is the first time for your event or link to an existing Master Event to link your year over year events all together.
- In the Create Link window, locate an existing Master Event to link to, or if none exists, enter a name for a new Master event at the bottom of the page, then click OK.
- Once you have successfully copied your event, you will now see a pink flame next to any connected Race in CT Live. Clicking any of the flames will take you directly to that race within Athlinks. If a race is not linked, the flame will be gray.
Copying an event from ChronoTrack Live does not copy participant or results data. Click HERE for instructions on pushing CT Live Results into the Event.