Rosters are the official public-facing list of all your confirmed Entries segmented by Race. Only confirmed Entries show up on Rosters. Athletes with any other status besides Confirmed will not show on a Roster.
The Roster Tab only shows up to users if the Master Event's most recent year has at least 1 Race with 1 or more Entries.
Team Support
- Rosters supports Teams (Both Relay and Aggregate)
- Athlete Name, Bib, and even Team Name are all searchable from with a Roster
- Currently Searching is limited to Races, but will be expanded to search the entire Event
Roster Privacy
- If a Timer or an Athlete designates their Registration Entry as private in CT Live, their name will be obfuscated in Rosters as Unknown Athlete
- To turn on the privacy mode, go into the athlete tab and uncheck the allow tracking box.
Roster Release Notes
- RSU Registrations will not show up in Athlinks Rosters until Entries have been to Races in CT Live (this won't always be the case).
- Not all CT Live Events have their Rosters enabled at this time. We will be enabling Rosters for all CT Live Events in the future.