Learn this first...
The Org-Wide Coupons feature allows you to offer discounts on every Reg Choice within one or more Reg Classes. Org-Wide Coupons can be used in the individual Registration Forms for each Reg Choice in a Reg Class. In order for these coupons to work, you have to set up at least one Reg Class which contains at least one Reg Choice.
Adding a Coupon
- Log in to admin.chronotrack.com, click the My Orgs tab, then click the Coupons tab.
- Now click the +Create Org-Wide Coupon button.
- In the window that appears, enter a Description for the Coupon. Try to keep the name as specific as possible to avoid confusion between multiple other Coupons.
- Next, select whether the coupon with be a Single type coupon or a Series type coupon.
Single type coupons use a single code that can be used many times to redeem a discount.
Series type allows you to Upload a list of coupon codes which can be used to redeem the discount amount. The upload must be a CSV file in one column called "Coupons". - Now select the Organizer that contains the Reg Class you'd like to use with the Coupon Code. You can only select one Organizer per Coupon. After selecting the Organizer, check the box next to the Reg Class or Classes you'd like to apply the code to.
- Next, enter the number of Max uses per code, or leave it at the default if you don't want to limit it. Finally, enter an Expiration date for the Coupon. Coupons expire at 11:59:59pm on the expiration date.
Click Continue to proceed to the next step. - On the next screen, enter the amount of the discount the Coupon will offer. Currently, you can only enter a percentage. Click Continue to proceed.
- On the third step, if you selected Single as the Type, enter the Coupon Code to be used, then click Continue. Remember that the code should NOT be something obvious or easily guessed.
If you selected Series as the type, click the Select File button, locate the file on your computer that contains your list of Coupon Codes, click Open, then click Continue.
Remember that coupon code files must be CSV format and contain one column called "Coupons". - On the final step of the process, confirm the number of coupons to be created, thenclick Complete & Save to finalize. If you selected a file to upload, this step will offer confirmation of the total number of coupons in the file.
The page will refresh, and your new Coupon will appear in the Coupons list. In the list, you can see the Organizer, Reg Classes, Description, Code, Usage count, and Expiration date information for each Coupon. You can also Edit, Remove, or Expire coupons at any time.
If you uploaded a list of codes, there will be a link that allows you to view all codes you uploaded including Usage Count and Status. You can also Expire individual codes.
You can also view the Org-Wide coupon(s) that apply to the events on the Coupons tab of each individual event as shown here:
Where do I go next?