A ChronoSync is a USB device manufactured by ChronoTrack that contains an ultra-high precision clock that is accurate to the second for 3 days after Syncing.
Please note that a ChronoSync is only compatible with Pro2, BoxScore 3, and MiniTracks running firmware version 5.3.8 or higher.
Sync with BoxScore 3
- Ensure that your ChronoSync has been synced through ChronoSync Time Manager.
- Insert the ChronoSync into one of the controller's USB ports.
- In BoxScore, navigate to Controller > Time or press the Clock icon in the upper right corner of the screen
- Select ChronoSync.
- Click the Discover button to have the controller activate the ChronoSync.
- Once the Controller has discovered the ChronoSync, the arrow buttons will turn orange.
- Pressing the Right-facing arrow will sync the Controller's time based on the ChronoSync's current time. Pressing the Left-facing arrow will set the time on the ChronoSync based on the Controller's time.
- If you press the right-facing arrow, the red LED lights on top of the TPC mesa will light to confirm a successful time sync.