CT Live Donations 2.0 is now available for your events. Enable donations within the registration flow as well as through a Custom Donations Landing Page.
Donations Tool Features:
- Add up to 5 Charities to your event
- Set up a separate payee from the event and pay direct to Charity
- Custom donation labels
- Invite Charity Admin to manage charity
- Dedicated Donation Land Page (DLP)
- Reporting
Getting Started
1. Select Add Charity under the Donations Menu or click the blue plus icon on the Manage Charities page.
2. Choose an existing charity or create a new one . Enter your charity organization's EIN tax number to pre-populate the charity org information or manually enter the information. If you do not have an EIN, manually enter the Charity Org information. (Or enter event/org info if the charity is the event.)
3. Set a Charity Goal amount which will be displayed on the DLP.
Set open & closed dates if desired. Can leave dates blank and DLP will remain open and collecting donations after is registration closed
4. Set up a separate payee and eliminate the need to pay out your charity organization post-event Or select the same payee as the event.
Set Fee Allocation: Will the athlete pay the fee in addition to their donation (Athlete) or will the Fee be covered by the event and included in the donation (Event)? This will be pulled from the donations NetDue.
5. Select If donations will be enabled for Online Registration and on which Reg Choices
6. Customize the donation labels and amounts to make them personal to your event or charity organization. Not required, if left blank will use the default donation amounts of $25 $50 $100 $200 & $500.
7. Add a photo to your donations landing page. Use the image uploader to “crop” your image to your desired size/focus by zooming in/out and moving the image around. No longer are you required to first create and then upload an image to the exact aspect ratio required.
9. Let your donors know more about your cause by entering a custom description of your charity and its mission to be displayed on the landing page.
10. Save! After hitting “Save”, your landing page is live. Find the unique link to the DLP on the Manage Charity page. Post this link on the events website and include in email campaigns to increase donations. Release a new form to make live on Registration.
Repeat steps 1-10 to add more charities. Can add up to FIVE charities per event.
Invite Charity Admin
Invite a Charity Org Administrator (via email) to help manage and edit your page. Please note: the "Invite Charity Administrator" does not appear until you add a charity to the Donations Page.
1. Select Invite Charity Admins on the Mange charities page
2. Select the Charity, Enter email of admin, and send Invite. An invitation email will automatically be sent to that email. Can enter and invite multiple admins to the same charity
3. Remove Admins by simply hitting the X next to the email
If the invited Charity Org Administrator(s) do not yet have an account in CT Live they will be prompted to create one. If they do have an account, they will be directed to the Event’s Donations page.
Charity Org Administrators will have full access to the Event Donations page with the ability to edit landing pages, custom amounts, and labels. They will also have access to reporting and tracking. They will have access and see the Charity(s) they have been invited too.
Invited Charity Administrations will not have access to make edits/view associated event pages unless they have been granted separate access.
There are no restrictions on the number of invitations you can send.
Totals collected are reported on the Manage Charities page
Find detailed reports with Donor Information for each Charity under Donations-> Reports
Select charity you wish to view (if you have access to more that one)
Search by donors Name or Email, Transaction ID, or Phone Number
Export as CSV
With this new tool, you’ll have the opportunity to provide a one-stop-shop experience for Athletes, Race Directors, and Charity Directors alike. Create custom landing pages, shareable links, goal tracking, and more, all in ChronoTrack Live.