Below is a list of common Registration reports that you may find useful and details about each. This should not be taken as a comprehensive list. We recommend spending time familiarizing yourself with the various reports available to you and their possible uses.
If one of the reports below doesn't appear in your Reports tab, you can Add a New Report at any time. If you don't see the Report in the list of those available, make sure your account has the proper Role Permissions set.
Any report can be edited, though some may not have any editable properties. To edit a report, just open the report by clicking the report's title on the Reports tab, then click Edit in the upper right corner of the screen.
Please remember that you might not need to use all of these reports. Some of them are very situation-specific.
The reports listed below assume an account with Event Director or Timer Roles. Some of these reports may not be available to you, depending on the Roles set for your account.
Confirmed Entries
This report can have a large number of uses because of the large number of customization options available. However, its main functionality is to show Athletes that have been registered in or added to your event and any details available about that athlete including contact, emergency, team information, and even timing data among others.
Editing the report gives you access to select or deselect dozens of information fields and the ability to include participants by a date range in which they were registered for the event, the race they registered in, gender, product selection, coupon code, or team name.
Bibs Current Previous
This report will show Athlete Bibs that are currently assigned and previously assigned. You can edit the report to display information by Race, Entry Status, or Entry Type.
Missing Age
This report also is part of the Checks tab under Scoring. It displays any athletes with no specified Birthdate. The report displays Chrono ID, External ID, First and Last Name, Bib, Race Name, Gender, Birthdate, City, and State. Clicking on an Athlete’s Chrono ID will take you to the Athlete’s Athlete Info tab where you may add a birthdate.
Missing Bib
This report also is part of the Checks tab under Scoring. It displays any athletes with no Bib or Chip assignment. The report displays Chrono ID, First and Last Name, Bib, Race, Chip, Gender, Birthdate, Bracket, Team, and Wave. Clicking on an Athlete’s Chrono ID will take you to the Athlete’s Athlete Info tab. From there you can navigate to the Athlete’s Race tab and assign a Bib and Tag there.
No Birth Date Or Age
This report also is part of the Checks tab under Scoring. It displays any athletes with no specified Birthdate or Age. The report displays Chrono ID, First and Last Name, Bib, Race, Chip, Gender, Age, DOB, Bracket, Team, and Wave. Clicking on an Athlete’s Chrono ID will take you to the Athlete’s Athlete Info tab where you may add a Birthdate and Age.
Confirmed Team Entries
This report is almost identical to the Confirmed Entries report with the obvious exception being that it focuses mainly on Teams rather than individual Athletes.
Standard Products (Formerly T-Shirt Sizes)
This report shows T-Shirt size and Product selection totals along with the overall Totals for each product type. The report will automatically show products selected under the Registration > Standard Products tab, but you can tailor the report as needed to show any and all sizes available on CT Live.
This report shows any Athletes registered in the Event that have Memberships. The report shows Entry ID, Membership Type, First and Last Name, Start and End Dates of the Membership, and Membership Status. You can specify one or multiple Expiration Dates to show only Memberships that expire on the specified date(s).