If for any reason you find it necessary to delete a previous bib-assignment, you can do so with the Bib Management tool. This applies to bibs assigned via import or using the Bib Tool.
- On the Athletes tab, click Bib Management next to the Export Athletes button.
- Click the Delete Bibs radio button.
- Click Continue.
- Under Select Athletes, choose from by Race, by Bib Range, or All, then select whether Bibs or Tags should be deleted, or both Bibs and Tags, then click Continue.
- On the next page, if you selected the "by Race" or "Bib Range" option in the previous step, either select the Race and Entry type for which you would like to delete bibs, or enter the Minimum and Maximum bibs for the range you want to delete, then click Continue.
- On the next screen, you will be asked to confirm the deletion. Review, and then click Complete & Save.
- You should see a confirmation that all bibs were deleted correctly.
The page will automatically refresh, and you should no longer see bib numbers listed for the athletes in the race or bib range for which you had previously assigned bibs. Instead, the bib numbers will show under the Previous Bibs section of the Athletes tab.
Bibs that were deleted will also be displayed on the Standard/BibsCurrentPrevious report. You may need to add this report to the event manually on the Reports tab.