For a video guide to using Brackets and Bracket Rules, click HERE.
Brackets - referred to by some as Divisions - are created on a per-race basis in CT Live. To set up Brackets for each race within your event, you will toggle between the races by clicking the corresponding Race Name just below the Checks tab. If each Race has the same set of Brackets, Brackets can be copied from one race to another.
By default, there are three Brackets in any Race that has been created within an event: Overall, Female, and Male.
Add a Bracket
- On the Scoring > Brackets tab, click the + Add Bracket button, or click the blank space in the Name heading under the last bracket in the list.
- Enter a Bracket Name. Entering specific Bracket Names can allow the software to Auto-Fill the other aspects of the Bracket. For example, entering F 1-12 or Female 1-12 will produce a bracket preconfigured with Type, Gender, and Age Range. Entering F Masters or Female Masters will create a Bracket configured as Male or Female ages 40-120.
- If you are creating a Custom type Bracket, select the Type clicking the correct cell under the Type heading. Selectable Types include Gender, Age Group, or Custom. Any bracket name entered that CT Live does not associate with a predetermined setting will default to a Custom type.
Brackets intended for use with Custom Questions for mapping MUST be set to Custom. Custom type brackets may not be assigned a Gender or Age Range. - You may specify the Scoring Type for each Bracket. Click the correct field under the Scoring Type heading and select either Chip Time or Gun Time. The default is always Chip Time. Altering this changes the primary method for an Athlete's calculated result.
- You may hide a Bracket from Online Results by unchecking the Show in Leaderboard box. This is useful for creating Brackets that will be used for Awards, but not results.
When the bracket is complete, you must activate the changes you made by clicking Activate Changes next to the + Add Bracket button.
Duplicating Brackets
Once you have created a series of Brackets for one gender category, you can duplicate those brackets over to the other category and even to another Race. This will save lots of time if you have many races within the event that have the same set of Brackets.
- Select the Brackets you would like to duplicate by checking the box next to them.
- Click Duplicate Selected. This will open the Duplicate Bracket window.
- Select the Duplicate Type. Sex will duplicate Brackets selected within one Gender category into the other. Race will duplicate the Brackets selected from one Race to Another.
In order for the duplication to be successful, selections cannot contain Brackets that already exist in the destination. You may not duplicate Overall, Male, or Female Brackets. - Select the Gender or Race from which you would like to duplicate Brackets.
- Select the Gender or Race to which you would like to duplicate Brackets.
- Click Duplicate.
The page will auto-refresh, and the new Brackets will appear in their Race or Gender category.
A Few Additional Items of Note:
- Prior to activating changes to a bracket, you can click Undo to erase any changes to existing brackets after the latest changes.
- Attempting to refresh the browser page or navigating away from the Brackets tab prior to activating changes will result in a browser pop-up warning that any unsaved changes will be lost.
- Upon creation and activation of changes, Brackets will automatically re-order to show by Gender and Age Range from lowest to highest and female to male. Custom type Brackets will always show at the bottom of the Bracket list.
- Depending on the number of Brackets in your Race, it may be necessary to navigate between Pages of Brackets. To do this, you can use the arrows below the + Add Bracket button. If this proves inconvenient, you can also change the number of Brackets displayed on a single page. To do this, click the light bulb icon across the pane from the navigation arrows. You can select All, Auto, 25, 50, or 100.