Creating bracket rules allows you to map athletes and teams to Brackets based on Custom fields and Reg Brackets. In order to map Athletes to Brackets using Bracket Rules, the 'target' Bracket MUST be a Custom type Bracket.
In the case where an athlete qualifies for multiple Custom brackets, you can click and drag the Bracket Rules to specify which one bears more importance.
Creating Bracket Rules
To Create a Bracket Rule to Map Athletes:
- Click the + Bracket Rule button above the Bracket Rules section. This will open the Create Bracket Rule window.
- Select whether the Rule will apply to Athletes by clicking the appropriate radio button. (For information on mapping Teams using Bracket Rules, see Enabling and Configuring Teams for Your Race.
- If using a Custom Question or data imported into the Custom field in CT Live to map athletes to a Bracket, select the Question and Answer from the dropdowns.
When using Custom Questions in CT Live, only questions with with pre-defined answer values should be used to map Athletes to Custom Brackets. Question types that may be used include Single Checkbox, Select Menu, Yes/No, and Radio Group. - If using Gender criteria to map athletes to Brackets, select the preferred gender or Any from the dropdown.
- If using Age Range criteria to map athletes, enter a numerical value into the Min and Max boxes to signify the age range to be used.
- Select the Custom Bracket to which you would like to map the Athletes.
Don’t forget to Activate Changes when you create the Custom Brackets. If the Brackets have not been activated, you will not be able to map Athletes to them with a Bracket Rule. - In the last section, select the Bracket Policy you would like to be applied to the athletes. If a Bracket category is displayed as green, the Athlete will be included in that Bracket type. If it is gray, they will not be scored in that bracket type. Note that the Athletes being mapped to a Custom Bracket will be scored in that bracket even if it is not green.
Bracket Policies can be overridden for individual athletes from the Athlete's Race tab.
For example, if you wanted to remove the Athletes being mapped to the custom Bracket from their age, group, simply select the Custom Bracket, and deselect the Age Group, like so: - Click Map Entries to Brackets when finished making changes.
Upon completion of the Bracket Rule, the page will auto-refresh, the Bracket Rule will show in the Bracket Rules section, and athletes should appear in the Custom Bracket.
If there are multiple Bracket Rules that affect the same athletes, you can re-order the Bracket Rules by clicking and dragging them to the priority you want.
Remember that a higher-priority Bracket's Policy will supersede the Policies of any following Brackets for any affected athletes. In the image below, I'm re-ordering the Bracket Rules so that the Veterans rule is of a higher priority than the Clydesdales rule. I had chosen to remove Clydesdale athletes from their age groups, but leave Veterans in their age groups. Therefore, any athletes who had the correct value for the Veterans AND Clydesdales questions will remain in their Age Groups because of how the Bracket Rules are prioritized.
When re-ordering Bracket Rules, remember to click the Reapply Bracket Rules button.
Finally, you can delete Bracket Rules at any time. This will completely remove any athletes from the Custom Bracket the rule applied to.