Using CT Live's Pre-Roll advertisement and Promo image features can help you make advertising revenue from sponsors. This brief article will show you how to use these features.
Pre-Roll Upload
Pre-roll videos you upload to CT Live will play before athlete video slices in results. You can upload MP4 video files up to 30 seconds long.
To upload, go to the Media > Video tab in your event and click the Upload button under the Pre-Roll Advertisement heading.
In the window that appears, click the Select file button and use the file explorer to locate the video file. Be sure to follow the format guidelines listed in the blue portion of this window. Once you've selected the file, click Upload.
After the video has uploaded, click the Close & Refresh button.
Your Pre-roll video is ready to go!
Promo Images
CT Live allows you to mark images you've uploaded as "Promo" images. These images will appear with every athlete's results. Promo images are added to CT Live via the Athlinks Media Uploader.
Promo images must be photos with exif data ("metadata") to be allowed in the Media Uploader.
If you've got a set of Promo images you'd like to use, we recommend uploading them to their own Camera Device so they're easy to find. Once your photos have been uploaded, go to the Media > Photos tab, select the Camera you uploaded the promo images to, and click Search.
Now click a promo image, then click the arrow icon next to the Save & Continue button. Click Make Promo.