After streaming Start data to your event in CT Live, you should immediately apply the Gun Time you set created on the Controller. If you didn't set a Gun Time, you can still manually set the Actual Start Time of each Race. Selecting a Gun Time or manually setting the Start Time can be done in several ways: From the Console, from the 'Edit Race' window, and from the Waves tab.
From the Console
It's a good idea to open the Console when you begin live streaming of your timing data. You can keep an eye on data as it processes through CT Live and quickly take care of any invalidations that might occur.
From the console, you can click the Race Clock in the upper right corner of the screen so set the Gun Time for the Race. Since there is a Console for each Race in your event, you must open each console and select the correct Gun Time for each race individually. When entering the race's start time manually, enter the information following the format indicators in the date and time fields.
From the 'Edit Race' Window
If you're not live scoring, you may not be using the Console, so instead of opening the Console for each Race, you can go to the Event tab and click on each Race to apply the Gun Time or manual set the Actual Start Time.
From the Waves Tab
If you've set up multiple Waves for your Event, odds are you created multiple Gun Starts on your controller. Since the Edit Race window and the Console can only set the Actual Start Time for the Universal wave, you will need to set the Gun Time for each wave from the Scoring > Waves tab.
If Gun Times have been streamed to the Event, you can select the correct one for each wave from a dropdown in the Actual Start column. If not, you can manually set the Actual Start Time by entering the time in the manual entry field. Time is in 12-hour AM/PM format.