Below is a list of common Scoring reports that you may find useful and details about each. This should not be taken as a comprehensive list. We recommend spending time familiarizing yourself with the various reports available to you and their possible uses.
If one of the reports below doesn't appear in your Reports tab, you can Add a New Report at any time. If you don't see the Report in the list of those available, make sure your account has the proper Role Permissions set.
Please remember that you might not need to use all of these reports. Some of them are very situation-specific.
The reports listed below assume an account with Event Director or Timer Roles. Some of these reports may not be available to you, depending on the Roles set for your account.
The Reports
- Athlete Update – this report shows all Athlete Updates requested by Athletes or observers along with the Athletes’ Email, Name, Bib, and whether or not an update has been requested via Facebook, Twitter, or SMS. There are no editable options for this report.
- Athlete Updates Counts – this is a more general report that shows the Service used to request updates, any Intervals that will be used to trigger updates, the number of updates expected, and the number sent. You can edit this report to show information by Race and by Interval.
- Timing Data – this report shows each Athlete’s or Team’s time for each Timing Device in the specified Race(s). This report can be useful when trying to figure out where Athletes were missed on a course, or if Athletes ran in the wrong Race. You can view all Races or specific Races. You can also view reports based on Entry Status.
- Missing Read – this report shows any Athlete who is missing a read. The report is run on a per-race and per-point basis, so for a race with 3 timing points, you would need to run 3 separate reports. The newer Timing Data report may be more useful for finding Athletes with missing times overall, but this report can be useful when a simple side-by-side comparison is necessary. The report will show the Bib, Race, and First and Last name of Athletes with missing Reads.
- Division Counts – this report is a basic summary of total Athletes in each of the Scoring Brackets in all Races in the Event. This report can be useful for logistical reasons involving things like merchandise and crowd control.
- Results/Awards – this is the standard Awards report. The report is run on a per-race and per-interval basis. You must add Scoring Brackets to the report on creation, and you may specify the number of winners per bracket. You can define the order in which Results Brackets are displayed in the Edit screen of the report. The report may be run based on Athlete Entry status as well.
- Results/By Division – this report shows ranked Results for ALL Athletes or Teams within a given Division. The report is run on a per-race and per-interval basis. The report can also be run based on Entry Status.
- Results/Overall – this report shows ranked results for all Athletes in the Event. The report is run on a per-race basis. You can choose to filter the report by Entry Status, and you can also include finish Gun Time in the report.
- Did Not Finish – this report shows all Athletes and Teams that did not have a finish read in the race. The report is run on a per-race and per-timing point basis. You can choose to have the report display Only Seen Entrants – e.g. only Athletes who have a read (valid or invalid) somewhere on the course. The report can be filtered by entry Status and Entry Type.
- Timing Point Inspector – this report shows each Athlete or Team’s valid times. The report is run on a per-race and per-point basis. You can sort Athletes and Teams by Timing Device, Priority, or Time of Day. If a point has multiple Timing Devices, you may select one or all of them. You can also specify an entry Status. This is a useful way to quickly see who was read when.
- Wave Jumper – this report shows Athletes who may have started outside their designated Wave's Start Time. The report is run on a per-race an per-interval basis. Athletes who have completed the selected Interval with a Start Time that falls before or after the user defined 'Jumper' window will be flagged. Please make sure all Waves have Actual Start Times before running the report. You may filter the report by Entry Status and include Athletes with Missing Starts. For a complete look at using the Wave Jumper report, click HERE.
- Aggregate Teams – this report is where Results and Awards for Aggregate Teams can be generated. The report is run on a per-race basis. You can select one Reg Bracket or All and specify a Minimum and Maximum number of Winners Per Team. Team results can be combined by Average or Aggregate (total sum of times). The report may be filtered by Entry Status.