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Filters and Adjustments allow you to make changes to the tag data in one or more Streams to correct errors or apply alterations to the collected data. If you're familiar with SimpleClient's filters and adjustments, all of these should be familiar, though some have been renamed. If you're looking for information on a specific Filter or Adjustment, use the linked list of Filters/Adjustments below to jump to the relevant section.
Some of these features will need to be considered every time you stream data, so if you're new to Fusion, please read each section carefully.
Remember that you can configure Filters and Adjustments for multiple Streams at the same time using the Multi button. Just click the button, then click the Streams you'd like to edit, add any Filters or Adjustments you'd like, then click the X that replaced the Multi-Select button to turn off Multi-Select and return to editing individual Streams.
The Tag Times setting allow you to impose time-based restrictions on which tag reads can be included in the streamed data. This can be done in a combination of three different ways.
Time Between Same Tag restricts streamed data to display each unique tag number only once in a specific time frame. To use this, simply select the option and enter up to 23:59:59, then click Add Time Filter. This feature is mostly used in conjunction with an Announcer Display, but it can have some race-related applications.
Maximum and Minimum Tag Time impose a limit to which tags can be streamed either after (Minimum) or before (Maximum) the specified time. To use either of these, select the option, then enter a time and date below.
You can also use the Use Guntime button instead of entering a Minimum time manually. When you click the button, and window will appear with all Gun Times in the Stream. Click either the Add to Min or Add to Max buttons to use any of the Guntimes. Only one may be used at once for either Min or Max, but you can use one for Min and one for Max at the same time. Click OK to close the window.
When you've entered a Minimum Tag Time, the Round Up for Start option will appear. This allows you to use the specified Minimum Time as a Start Read in the absence of reads after the specified Minimum. In other words, if anyone doesn't have a read after the Gun Time, but there was a read for them within six seconds before the Gun Time, Fusion will create a read for those tags that's the same as the selected Minimum Time.
Tag Filters allow you to stream only tags within a specific range and/or that have been encoded with a specific timer code and event code. Typically, Timer Code and Event Code are enough for most applications, but there are situations where you may want to filter tags using specific ranges. If you're unsure of what your Timer Code is, you can click the My Account tab on the Timer Portal (secure.chronotrack.com) and look at the number at the end of your timing company name. For more on Event codes and Timer codes, ask your regional sales manager.
To add a tag filter, simply enter the Timer Code, Event Code, and Start and End tag values, then click the + icon to finalize the filter. You can add as many ranges as you like by repeating the above process. Ranges can be edited by clicking the pencil icon or deleted by clicking the X.
Type controls which type of tag reads Fusion will accept in the stream. This is a standard Filter that should always be considered for every Stream. Primary will be selected by default, and you can select any combination of types as needed.
Before selecting multiple read Types, make sure combining those read types will no have adverse effects on your scoring. For example, we typically do not suggest combining Primary and Keyed reads since Keyed reads are never as accurate as reads from your antennas.
Immediate is typically used when the controller has been put in Immediate Mode for use with an Announcer Screen. You can send Immediate reads to Launch's announcer display from Fusion.
Auxiliary is used when you've configured your controller to collect A-Transactions.
Keyed is used when you used a USB keyboard to enter reads manually.
Checking this box will ignore any Markers that were made on the Controller where Zero Counts was added to the Marker command. This will allow Fusion to consider data that was collected before a marker that employed a Zero Count with data that was collected after.
Time Offset allows you to adjust ALL times in the Stream by the specified amount of time up to 23:59:59. For offsets greater than this, you can still use the offset feature in SimpleClient. If you're using CT Live for scoring, time offsets can be applied to Timing Devices.
Offsets are usually used to compensate for the time on the controller being set incorrectly. To add an offset, click the zeroes and use the arrows the set the needed offset. You can click the + or - icons to make the offset either negative or poisitive.
Minimum Lap Increment Time is an advanced feature that is most often used in conjunction with the Lap Count field discussed below. It enforces a minimum amount of time that must elapse from the last tag read before a tag read can be counted as part of a new lap. To add a Minimum Lap Increment time, click the zeroes and use the arrows to set the time.
Please note that Virtual Laps are limited to use with a single session in Fusion. If you are setting up a more significant lapped race, we recommend using Simple Client
This feature allows you to stream different read occurrences to different Points in CT Live or other scoring software. It should ALWAYS be used in conjunction with the Minimum Lap Increment Time adjustment discussed above.
To use this feature, enter the Occurrence number that should be counted as a lap, then enter the CT Live Timing Device name or Point/Split name (if using other scoring software) in the Name field. To finalize the Lap Count field, click the + icon.
The Prefix and Tag Shifts feature allows you to add a letter or additional number to the beginning of each tag number or shift all tag numbers by a certain amount. This can be useful in situations where your bibs have a letter printed with the number and you need to match the bib in your scoring software, or in cases where you're working with tags that are a certain number above the bib number.
Please note that a shift or prefix can only be applied to a range of tags once. However, you can apply a letter prefix and shift tags by an amount at the same time as described below.
To add a letter or number to the beginning of the tag number, enter the Start Tag and End Tag range that will be affected, then enter the letter or number to be assigned the tag. Leave the Shift field blank, then click the + icon to finalize. The prefix will appear beneath the text fields as shown below.
To shift all tags by a certain amount, enter the Start and End tags for the range you'd like to shift. If you need to add a letter or additional number to the beginning of each number, add that in the Prefix field. If no prefix is needed, leave this field blank.
In the Shift field, enter the amount by which you would like to shift the tags. For a negative shift, add a - symbol before the number as shown below. Click the + icon to complete the shift. The shift will appear beneath the text fields as shown below.
This function can be used in some advanced situations where different readers or ports on a single controller are being used for different timing lines, such as with a transition point where athletes run over one set of mats on their way in, and another on their way out. Please note that this use case should be used with extreme caution, and you should always consult with ChronoTrack staff before using this feature for the first time.
This feature is known as "Virtual Points" in SimpleClient, but Fusion doesn't require a .ini file to separate readers and ports!
You will need to know the MAC addresses of the reader(s) you will be using. This information can be found on the Settings > System screen on a Pro2, the Status > System screen on a Pro controller, or on Menu > 7 > 2 for MiniTrack controllers.
To use the feature, enter the Point name that will be associated with the reads from this set of reader ports. If you're streaming data to CT Live, this should match the Timing Device name in CT Live you want to stream the reads to. Next, enter the MAC of the reader you will be selecting reads from, then enter the Start and End ports to be selected (e.g. 1 and 4 for all 4 ports on a reader). Finally, click the + icon to finalize. The reader/port selection will appear beneath the text fields, as shown below.
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