Learn This First:
Setting Up Fusion for the First Time
Intro to Fusion Filters and Adjustments
How to Add an Output Destination to Fusion
Intro to CT Live Course Configuration
This guide will show you how to use Fusion to find controller data Sessions, add them to Streams, and Stream data to CT Live or other destinations.
Add an Event Space
To get started streaming data to an event, we recommend creating an Event Space. For organizational purposes, keep Streams for each of your events separated into unique Event Spaces in Fusion.
You can create Event Spaces and Streams days or even weeks in advance so that you can just add Sessions and stream right away.
To add a new Event Space, click the + icon next to the current Event Space name on the Streams tab, then select one of the options.
- New Event creates a blank event space with no Streams in it.
- Import Event allows you to import the CT Live event's Timing Devices as Streams with all the correct Event and Point information automatically entered. You can also import an event from a file. Import from file only works with .event files previously exported from Fusion. This guide doesn't discuss the file import method, but you can learn more about it HERE.
- Archived Events allows you to recall a previously-archived event that's already been streamed in Fusion.
New Event
If you select New Event, a window will appear asking you to enter an Event Space Name. Enter a name, then click Submit. You'll be directed to that Event Space automatically and can start adding Streams. Click HERE to jump to the section about adding Streams.
Import Event - CT Live Event
If you select the Import Event > CT Live Event option, a window will appear prompting you to enter your CT Live login credentials and the Event ID number for the event you want to import.
Remember that you have to add Timing Devices to your Course in CT Live before you can import Streams and stream data.
Enter the information, then click SEARCH. After a few moments, a list of the Races in your event will appear. Check the boxes next to each race you want to import, then click Import Races. You'll be directed to the new Event Space with Streams already named for each CT Live Timing Device. You're ready to add data to the Streams. Click HERE to jump to the section about adding Sessions to Streams.
Finding Sessions and Adding Them to Streams
If you entered the ChronoTrack Server connection information in Fusion's Settings when you set Fusion up, you should see all or most of your controllers' online data sessions. You will also see any locally connected controllers or sessions from files you imported into Fusion.
By default, controller Sessions are displayed in descending order by the date the sessions were created, so the newest sessions should appear at the top of the list. If you're scoring your race live, you'll want to have all your controllers connected to either the CCS Server or directly to your computer using an ethernet cable. Check out our guides for connecting controllers to the ChronoTrack Server and Locally for Pro, Pro2, and MiniTrack.
The easiest way to find data sessions for connected Controllers is to click the Filter button and then select Controller Online and
If there are a lot of Online controllers, you can also filter by Event and Point to narrow down the sessions even more.
To make sure you select the correct data, select Sessions that have the spinning green arrows that indicate a session is Active and that have the green icon that says CCS (for Server sessions) Local (for LAN/WiFi connected controllers).
Once you've located the Session(s) you want to stream, click and drag any number of Sessions into Streams you made earlier or drag them into the dotted box at the bottom of the Streams List to make a new Stream.
Now apply any Filters or Adjustments that may be necessary. If you're streaming to CT Live, make sure to rename your Stream's Event and Point name to the correct values. If you imported your CT Live event, this shouldn't be necessary.
If you intend to stream data to only the Default Stream Output you selected in the Fusion Settings, you can skip selecting an Output.
When you're ready to send your Streams to the scoring software, click the Outputs tab and check the box(es) where the Streams should be sent. You can Stream to more than one Output at once.
When you've selected the correct Output(s), click the Play button on the Stream to begin processing and streaming the data.
You can play all Streams at the same time by clicking the Multi button above the Stream List, then clicking the Select All box, then clicking the play icon to the right.
After you click Play, the Unique, Total, Invalid, Sent, and Guntimes fields will start to increment, depending on the data in the Stream. You will also see a moving bar underneath the Play/Pause button that indicates a Stream is actively sending data. If the Output information you entered is incorrect , you will see a yellow warning icon appear next to the play button.
Please note that if you selected multiple Output destinations, the counts will still increase if only one of the Outputs is being reached. You should always watch for errors when streaming to multiple Destinations.
Monitoring Streams
As data streams during your event, there are a couple ways to monitor your streams and take action in some circumstances.
Validating Invalid Reads
If you set up Tag Filters to filter out tag reads based on time, timer/event code, or number, you can inspect the tags that get invalidated and choose to validate certain reads.
When tags are marked as invalid in the Stream, the Invalid counter on the Stream will turn blue, and you can click on it to see invalid tags.
In the window that appears, you can see the information for each tag read and the reason it was invalidated. These reads are marked as "Tag out of Range" which means they aren't in the set of tag numbers that were defined in the Tag Filters.
You can check the box next to a tag read, then click Validate in the lower right corner of the window to force the read to be streamed with the rest. Once a tag read has been validated, it will display as green.
Using the Race View
Depending on the size and resolution of your computer screen, you may be able to see three or four Streams at once on the Streams tab. For larger races, you would need to scroll to see more Streams, which is where the Race View comes in.
The Race View tab is above the settings tab on the left side of Fusion. This view will allow you to monitor at least twenty Streams at once. Each Stream will be represented by a small block showing the Point Name, Invalid, Unique, and Send counts, and the number of Sessions in the Stream. If you click the downward pointing arrow, you can see the Point Name, MAC address, and Online status of all controllers with Sessions in that Stream.
If you see a warning icon as shown below, you can hover over the icon to see what's wrong with that Stream.
What's Next?
Apply Your Gun Time to Your CT Live Race(s)