Athlinks Finisher Certificates are a developing feature that you now have the ability to customize with your own background images. This article will show you how to use our stock images or a template to customize the certificate.
In order to use Finisher Certificates, your event must be Linked to Athlinks. You can tell that your event is linked if there is a magenta flame next to one or more of your Races on the Event Dashboard.
Customizing the Certificates
To start customizing your Finisher Certificates, go to your event's Finisher Certificate, go to the Scoring > Results Options > Finisher Certificate tab.
Check the Enable box to turn on customization. If this box isn't checked, custom certificate images will not appear.
Now click the Edit button to start customizing. The next screen has a series of images you can download and customize or a Template you can use to build your own background image. The final size of the Finisher Certificate will be 1200px x 630px, but you can crop and move your custom image to the desired dimensions and position after you've uploaded it.
The template image is a PNG file that you can overlay on your custom image in Photoshop or other image editing software. It's a little larger than the final size will be, and it contains dotted regions to help keep sponsor logos and graphics in areas that won't be impeded by finisher data.
Once you've got your image ready and saved as a .jpg, click the Upload New Background button. In the window that appears, click the Select File button and locate the image on your computer. Select the image, then click Upload.
Once the image finishes uploading, you'll see a small panel with a zoom bar beneath the certificate preview. Use the Zoom bar to set the magnification of your image, and click and drag inside the small image panel to center the image to where it should be. You can also change the Text Color and Date Format displayed on the certificate. When you're satisfied with the positioning and other options, click Save at the bottom of the page.
Now, your Finisher certificates will automatically be displayed on each athlete's result page on Athlinks.
If you don't like how your custom image turned out, you can use the Restore Default button to return the certificate to its original state. You can also Edit the certificate and upload an updated background at any time.