Before You Begin...
- Ensure that you have configured the Direct Socket Connection in SimpleClient to the desired destination.
- Establish a live connection between your Pro, Pro2, or MiniTrack Controller and your scoring computer OR double-click the MRK file in a USB data pull to open the sessions in SimpleClient.
- (If using CT Live) Ensure that Timing Points, Timing Devices, and Intervals are set correctly to receive and process data in CT Live.
- (If using CT Live) Verify your Event ID number in CT Live.
1. Select the Session
Once you have established a live connection between your Controller and your scoring computer, select the correct session. Remember to select the correct Gun Time (if applicable) from the pane to the right of the session area. Generally, it's a good idea to drag the Gun Time down the the Minimum Accepted Time section and check the Round Up for Start box.
2. Apply Filters and Adjustments
If there are any Filters or Adjustments you would like to apply to the session such as Tag Ranges or Time Shifts, do so now. (For a complete guide to SimpleClient filters and adjustments, click HERE)
3. Rename Event and Point
Unless you set the Event and Point names on your controller to exactly what they would need to be, you will need to change the Event and Point names if you're streaming data to CT Live.
- The Event Name should be EVENTXXXXX where the Xs are your Event ID number (this is located in the upper left corner of your CT Live event) Make sure caps lock is on when you type EVENT.
- Now enter the Point name you would like to stream the data to. This corresponds to the Timing Device name within CT Live that the data should be sent to.
4. Play the Data
Once you have selected your session, renamed the Event and Point, and applied any necessary Filters and Adjustments, click the Select button to finalize the selection and changes.
To begin streaming data, click the Play button. You should see the 'Out' number below the control buttons begin changing to match the Filebuffer heading above. This indicates that tags are being successfully sent by SimpleClient.
To verify that tags are being arriving at the destination you specified in the Direct Socket Out menu.
If you're using CT Live, check the Auto-Score pane in your event. It should show tags in the 'queue' to be processed as shown below.