When streaming tag data to ChronoTrack Live, you can track whether tags are being validated or invalidated using the Console. If all of or most tag reads are being invalidated, you may need to take action to correct settings that may be set incorrectly.
You can see the reason(s) for invalidations by clicking the red Invalid text under the Timing Device. The various causes are listed below with steps on how to correct potential issues. Please bear in mind that it is completely normal to see a number of invalid entries in a race - no race is free of invalidations. The image below displays a fairly typical scenario.
Has Null Entry
Indicates a blank or non-tag read line of data. E.g. When StreamManager or SimpleClient filters out a tag read due to Min Accepted Time, Accepted Tag Ranges, etc.
Has Excluded Time
This is the most common reason for Tag invalidations. This status indicates that the times are being invalidated due to Minimum and Maximum accepted times as defined on the Timing Point.
Before adjusting Min/Max Accepted Times, you may need to determine how much of an adjustment to apply to avoid validating incorrect reads. If all reads are being invalidated for a Point, and you know who crossed the Point first, the simplest way to check how far off the times are is to navigate to the first place athlete's page and check his/her times.
On the Athlete's page, click the Timing tab and scroll down to the Course Setup section.
In the image below, we see that the Athlete's first read for the Point says "Has excluded time -00:15:31:77" when we hover the mouse pointer over where the read says "Invalid".
The negative symbol means that the read is being excluded by the Minimum Accepted Time for the Timing Point. To validate this read, you would need to
If the time of day or the date of the reads is wrong, it's possible the date on the Controller was set incorrectly, in which case you should do a Time Offset.
To adjust Min/Max accepted times, navigate to the Scoring > Course tab, then select the Race the athlete is competing in.
Click the green 'target' for the Point on which tags are being invalidated.
In the window that appears, locate the Minimum Accepted Time and Maximum Accepted Time fields and make any changes necessary. Remember that times are in HH:MM:SS
Has Bad Timing Device
This invalidation reason is extremely rare, and generally indicates a problem on the 'back end' of CT Live. If you see invalidations appear for this reason, please contact Timer Support immediately.
Under Minimum Interval Duration
This status indicates that the times are being invalidated due to the Minimum Interval Duration time that was set for the Point. This error is only displayed if the tag read was first validated by Min/Max Accepted Times for the Point the tag read is associated with.
Before adjusting MID times, you may need to determine how much of an adjustment to apply to avoid validating incorrect reads. If you know who crossed the Finish line first, the simplest way to do this is to navigate to the first place athlete's athlete page and check his times.
On the Athlete's page, click the Timing tab and scroll down to the Course Setup section.
In the image below, we see that the Athlete's first Finish read was at 8:46:39.990 AM. His Start read was at 8:30:01.231. The minimum accepted time for the timing point is 15 minutes, so we know the time is valid based on that. The MID between Lap 4 and the Finish point is set at 17 minutes. Since the Athlete's first Finish read was 16 minutes and 38 seconds after his Lap4 read, the MID should be adjusted to approximately that amount of time to allow his read to be validated.
To change the MID time, navigate to the Scoring > Course tab, and click the MID entry you want to change the time for. Specify the correct time in HH:MM:SS format, and click Save & Close.