Storefront is where you create products that will be given away or sold as a part of your event's store.
Getting Started
To create a new product that will be added to the store, navigate to Store from the menu on the left in CT Live 2.0.
By default, you will land on the Manage Store sub menu that will allow you to see any products that are already created and will allow you add new products to the store by clicking the “⊕” button at the top of the screen.
Creating a New Product
Once you have selected the “⊕” button you will be redirected to the page to add your new product. Here you will fill out basic information for your product about where it will be available, how it will be distributed and pricing. Below we will break down each individual section:
Set the name of your product. This is what will populate on the product card in the store.
Next, select the taxable item type. This is how we will properly calculate the sales tax associated with the product being created.
Available In:
- Storefront: This toggles the option for the product to be available in the Standalone Storefront webpage
- Add-On: This toggles the option for the product to be available in athletes' profiles which will allow athletes who are already registered to purchase additional store products and add them to their entry.
Show Inventory Remaining: This toggles on the option to show the inventory remaining for an item in the standalone storefront and in the registration form
Max Items Per Person: Toggling this on will allow the user to set how many of each item is able to selected. This is helpful if the item is a giveaway and the athlete is only able to select one product option for the item.
By Registration Choice: Select the registration choices where this product is available.
Set how this product is being sold. Choosing For Sale indicates that the product will be available at the end of registration before the athlete checks out along with all other items that are marked as being sold. Selecting Giveaway indicates that the product is being given away as a part of registration and will be available for each individual athlete being registered.
The Giveaway option is not yet available in the 2.0 Storefront. You can enable and setup a free product in the Standard Products page here
Use the image upload tool to upload up to 10 images to your product. The first image uploaded will be the primary image shown for the product on the product card. To add images select the “⊕” icon.
Product Options
Set the SKU of the product. This will be used to identify the product in the Storefront report. The SKU will be combined with the item option to create the unique identifier.
Add product options to set the variations of the product. Each product option will have a name and a price.
- To delete or hide an Item option select the ⋮ icon.
- To rearrange the order of item options click and drag the = icon.
- To add more item options select the “⊕” icon.
Delivery of Item
Set how the product will be delivered to the customer.
- Select “Ship Item” to indicate to the customer that the product will be shipped. If the customer adds a product that is to be shipped, the customer will be prompted to fill out a shipping address at the end of Registration.
- Select “Event Pickup” to indicate to the customer that the product will only be available onsite at the packet pickup location.
- Select “Let Customer Decide” if the product can either be shipped or picked up on site. The customer will have the option when choosing the product to select either “Event Pickup” or “Ship it to me”.
When the customer selects the product it will note in reporting the delivery method for the product.
Manage Store
Reply to Email address on standalone and add-on purchases defaults to the event organization email address. To edit the reply to email select "Reply Email" and enter new address
Invite Store Managers to access and manage the store by selecting "Store Managers". Enter their email address and send invite. Store managers will receive an email with instructions on how to access the store. Store managers will only have access to the store and store reports on the event.
Add Shipping Fee to all the items in your store, select "Shipping Cost" at the top of the page. If items are being shipped, fees will be added to the cart total when the athlete enters a shipping address.
CT Live allows you to set two shipping fees for your store: United States and International.
Once you hit Save, your storefront will be featured on your reg flow.
Standalone Storefront can be accessed through the link in the top right corner, as well as the event dashboard.
Learn more about the Standalone Storefront
Edit a Product that has already been created, go to the Manage Store page in the navigation bar. On the Product card you will see the edit icon on the right side. Select this to edit an existing product. Select the delete icon to delete product (products that have already been purchased are not able to be deleted). Click and drag the = icon to rearrangement placement of products as they appear on the registration form and Storefront