StreamManager has a variety of overall settings that may be useful for adjusting or making sense of your Streams. To the right on the StreamManager header bar are several settings selections that will affect all Streams. This guide will focus on the Global Stream Settings and Options portions of Stream Manager settings.
If you're looking for instructions on Managing Hosts, click HERE. If you're looking for instructions on adding Streams and streaming data, click HERE.
Global Stream Settings
This section is separated into two tabs: Errors and Alerts, and Autoconfig.
Errors and Alerts
From here you can set StreamManager to automatically attempt to resume a Stream after an error, specify how long the program should wait before attempting to resume, and specify the maximum number of times the program may attempt to reconnect. You can also specify an e-mail at which to receive alerts when a Stream experiences an error.
From this tab you can set Autoconfig options for new Streams. Enabling any of the Autoconfig features and entering an Event name means that a new Stream will be automatically added any time a new session is created on an online controller registered to your Timer Code.
Settings include:
- Autoconfig Normal (On/Off) – Autoconfig Streams will be added with Normal tag mode selected.
- Autoconfig Immediate – Autoconfig Streams will be added with Immediate tag mode selected.
- Autoconfig Keypad – Autoconfig Streams will be added with Keypad tag mode selected.
- Autostart – checking the box enables an Autoconfig session to start streaming immediately upon creation.
- Autonfig Event – allows you to specify a specific event name to which to apply Autoconfig options any time a new session is created on the controller. In the example below, all controllers with their Event Name set to EVENT20383 will have new Sessions added as Streams with the Normal tag mode selected.
When you are finished making changes, click the X to save the changes.
This selection allows you to save your current preferences, including Global Stream Settings, Host defaults, and Stream Status refresh preferences. You can also reset the preferences to their default.
- Selecting Keep Sorted will enable StreamManager to re-sort the streams based on current sorting preferences whenever a new Stream is added. This is useful for when you have to navigate away from StreamManager and don’t want to have to re-sort when you log back in.
- Selecting Blink Cells on Update will enable StreamManager to blink a Stream, offering a visual cue to alert you when a Stream updates.
Get Stream Status
This feature allows you to set Streams to update their status automatically based on the specified time frame. You can also click Update Now to update all Streams immediately.
From the Help popup, you can view Using StreamManager videos that will show you how the various features work. You may also leave Feedback for ChronoTrack staff to report any odd behavior or tell us we’re doing a good job. If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions you would like to discuss with the rest of the ChronoTrack community, you can visit the Forum from the Help popup.
Master Controls
The Master Controls allow you to Start, Pause, Resume, or Rewind ALL Streams at the same time. These options are always available, regardless of individual Stream status.
If you have a lot of Streams running, you may need to quickly search for a specific Stream. You can filter by Event, Code, Point, Controller, and Status. You can also clear the Filters to return to the default view.